Officer Safety Defensive Tactics (OSDT)
Spring Martial Arts
Professional Combined Martial Arts
American Traditional Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Chuan Fa - Wing Chun
Program Overview:
The OSDT Program is designed to help keep law enforcement personnel updated on techniques and methods of operation for effective Defensive Tactics. The system is based on techniques and principles of these arts (Jiu Jitsu, Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, and MMA) and has been field-tested by Professor Brooks - the founder of the system - in the field, in jails, and taught at police academies. Leading the Texas Branch program is Sifu Jacob Arenstein; OSDT Certified State Level Instructor - Certified July 2018 in New Mexico under Professor Larry Brooks
Many law enforcement personnel know that bad guys are always trying new things that threaten public safety. The OSDT Program is designed to help keep law enforcement personnel updated on techniques and methods of operation for effective Defensive Tactics. Most police officers know what works for them and how they can get into trouble if they use excessive force and how the public views it.
There is a lot of controversy about defensive tactics where Systems would describe other Systems as being “out dated” and/or “not efficient.” The truth of the matter is, all training is good. We believe that any training you have had before is good especially martial arts training of any type. The developers of OSDT are experienced martial artists and police officers and we like having experienced officers come to train with us as it enriches our program. The main founder of this system has been teaching students and officers for 40 years and has studied multiple martial arts to black belt level.
This course was designed by Police Officers that are also very experienced Martial Artists in Jiu Jitsu, Kung Fu, Karate and Judo; and, is available for continuing education and Certification purposes for LEOs, COs, EMTs, Fire Dept., Etc. There are a lot of areas which are covered that law enforcement personnel may be familiar with; however, we strive to delve further into areas that can help make problems easier to deal with while using defensive tactics. Furthermore, legal implications are also covered. Additionally, we welcome views and opinions about this from experienced personnel as to further our own knowledge.
By looking at the job itself and building the program backwards from the task to the need of technique – I.E. approach to interview, to the arrest, to Body control, to handcuffing, and to transport – This is an excellent course for academy use in the training of new officers.
We don’t claim to be better than anyone, just comprehensive from a martial art viewpoint.
This course is available for continuing education and Certification purposes for LEOs, COs, EMTs, Fire Dept., Etc.
Please contact Sifu Jacob Arenstein for more details regarding seminars.