That was then. March, 1978 with 6x World Kickboxing Champion, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace.
Up close and personal with a side kick.
Sifu with his instructor and friend, Professor Larry Brooks.
SMA Black Belts 2006.
Professor Chuck Chretien
Founder Spring Martial Arts.
Credentials and Experience:
Started his martial arts training in January of 1978 in an American style of Karate under the instruction of Mr. Bill Gray. This system was primarily fighting/sparring, tournament competition and street self-defense. Prof. Chretien trained in this system for 3 1/2 years and achieved his Brown Belt.
Began training in the art of Northern Shaolin / Northern Praying Mantis Kung Fu in 1983 as taught by Master Yun-Yang Wang. Prof. Chretien acquired the title of Sifu as well as the certified rank of 4th degree (Szu Tuan) Black Sash (1994).
Honored with the rank promotion to Chi Tuan (7th degree) in the combined art of Chuan Fa/Kajuku-ryu (2008). The highlight of 31 years of dedicated martial arts practice and experience.
Honored with the rank promotion of 6th Dan(Rokudan) in the system of Shin-Nigare Karate (2006) through Prof. Larry G. Brooks, Hanshi-Sho and Jack Allbritten, Shihan, Shuseki. President of P.C.M.A.
Is a certified 3rd degree Black Belt in Shin-Shin Ju Jitsu (7/08).
Honored with the promotion to the ceremonial position of Renshi Dai by the Board of Directors of the PCMA 2003.
Honored with the promotion to the ceremonial position of Professor (Kyoshi Sho) by the Board of Directors of the PCMA 2007.
PCMA Instructor of the Year (2007).
Level 5 Kobudo (Weapons Certification) 2003.
Inducted to the United States Martial Arts Hall Of Fame (8/2009) Master of the Year Award.
Achieved Level One Certified Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (1999) with National Association of Professional Martial Artists (NAPMA).
Achieved Level Two Certified Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (2000 with NAPMA).
Achieved Certified Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (2001) from The Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas.
Certified National Instructor (PCMA 2003).
Certified National Examiner (PCMA 2003).
Active tournament producer sanctioned with the USA Martial Arts Association.
Currently holds a Brown Belt in Kenpo Karate.
PCMA Dojo of the Year Award: 2004 & 2008.
Founded Spring Martial Arts in March 1991.
Tournament competitor in Texas and Louisiana on a very regular basis from 1977 until retiring from competition at the age of 41 with a Grand Champion win in 1994.
Stunt man in the ninja movie 'Pray For Death", starring Sho Kosugi.
Decorated Viet Nam Veteran (1971-72). Honorable discharge, U.S. Army (1974).
Proud member of the Patriot Guard Riders of Texas.
Demonstrating an elbow technique.
Black Belt group following rank test, August, 2000.
Sept, 2001 with 5x World Kickboxing Champion, Kathy Long.
Free-sparring match.